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Nicht ohne meinen Tarifvertrag

Die Zahl der Streiks in Ägypten nimmt zu. Das Arbeitsrecht ist restriktiv, dennoch sieht sich das Regime nun gezwungen, die erste unabhängige Gewerkschaft anzuerkennen. von Eric Lee Das Sit-in von 90 Angestellten der Landwirtschaftsbehörde vor…

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Twitter as a campaigning tool

The possibility of using Twitter as a campaigning tool was recently tested by LabourStart. We were inspired by the example of American Rights at Work (ARAW), a union-supported campaigning organisation, that has recently taken on…

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The problem with Amnesty

This article appears today on the Jewish Chronicle website and will appear in tomorrow’s print edition. It is also being reprinted on the website of Pluto Press. In recent months, Amnesty International in the UK…