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An Open Letter to David Levy [10]

The Honorable David Levy Minister of Foreign Affairs Jerusalem Dear Sir: When you established “Gesher” — which calls itself a “national social movement” — many thought that for the first time in many years we…

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Netanyahu to Congress: The Peace Process is Finished [6]

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s most important statement of government policy regarding the peace process came, as expected, during his appearance before a joint session of the U.S. Congress last week. To the assembled elected representatives of…

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The 7 Questions Larry King Should Have Asked [5]

Israel has a tradition that state visitors are taken to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial before they go anywhere else in the country. Before they speak to the assembled Knesset, before they visit the President’s…

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Bibi’s Iranian Strategy [4]

Back in the 1970s and 1980s, Israeli strategists came up with a great way to “sell Israel” to the American government. The Soviet Union, they argued, was turning the Middle East into a battleground of…