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From the river to the sea

At first glance, who could oppose the Palestine Solidarity Campaign? The very name implies one of the most noble human aspirations — solidarity with a people. And in particular a people like the Palestinians, whose suffering is…

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Max Shachtman and his legacy

In 1975, at a conference in Boston, I met a local socialist activist and when I asked him where he fit in politically, he replied that he was a “1946 Shachtmanite”. I learned that a…

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Comet, rotten apples and capitalism

This article appeared in Solidarity today. The announcement that another high street retailer, Comet, had bit the dust was hardly unexpected. We’re in the midst of a recession, competition is fierce, the company had long…

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Workers rights in North Korea

This article appears in the latest issue of International Union Rights, the magazine of the London-based International Centre for Trade Union Rights. The “hermit kingdom” of North Korea is one of the most difficult places…

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Why I hate Twitter

Once again, my Twitter account (erictlee) and LabourStart’s (labourstart) have been hacked, and spam direct messages sent to followers. Twitter’s advice when this sort of thing happens is to change your password, which I’ve done,…

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Militant gegen den Arbeitskampf

The following article appears in Jungle World this week. Um Sparmaßnahmen und Privatisierungen durchzusetzen, greifen immer mehr als demokratisch geltende Staaten zu Gewalt gegen Gewerkschaften. Während sich die globale ökonomische Krise verschlimmert, wenden nationale Regierungen…