The problem with Internet Explorer

A few years ago, when some of us noticed that Microsoft had essentially taken over the Internet, we were worried. Among other worries, we feared that a near-complete monopoly by Microsoft would mean that technological innovation — then proceeding at a brisk pace — would come to a halt. Today, with Internet Explorer having a more than 90% share of the browser market, our fears have come true.
There have been several recent developments which should worry us.

Microsoft has announced the Internet Explorer 6 is the last version of the web browser they intend to release. Any future improvements will be made to the operating system (Windows XP and its successors) — but it will not be possible download Internet Exploper 7 or any other version as a standalone product. So if you want a better browser, go buy a new operating system.
And Microsoft has essentially decided to halt support for the standards-based world wide web. Their spokesmen are now saying that the company’s Internet products will be driven by the market, not by standards bodies like the World Wide Web consortium. (This has enraged, among others, the web developers in the Web Standards Project, )
As is well known among web developers, all this is bad news because Microsoft Internet Explorer is notoriously buggy. It does not fully support the Cascading Style Sheets standard which so many websites (including LabourStart) rely upon.
Also, like the company’s email software, Microsoft Internet Explorer is a security nightmare.
Trade unions which rely upon Outlook Express and Internet Explorer are therefore taking unnecessary risks.
And there are alternatives.
I urge you to try out Mozilla Firebird — the open source alternative to Internet Explorer. It’s completely free of charge, set up is easy, and it has loads of features you’re going to love. (My favorites are tabbed browsing and pop up blocking. )
Read more and download the software here:
The point is that Mozilla is moving ahead, improving the browser, while the Microsoft monopoly rests on its laurels, such as they are.
We need to use Mozilla Firebird and to promote its use.

3 Comments on "The problem with Internet Explorer"

  1. dont have the inetnet exploper please tell me how to download the inetnet exploper please

  2. dont have the inetnet exploper please tell me how to download the inetnet exploper please

  3. Debbie Schaap | 24/09/2004 at 04:52 |

    want to download explorer

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