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Health and Safety Newswire

Most unions that have websites have sections that are devoted to health and safety issues. But frequently those are among the more static parts of a website. Once set up, they are rarely updated. To…

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Virtual worlds, real exploitation

This article has now been published in Swedish. *** “A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.” — Groucho Marx Seriously, if you were born before 1985, you…

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Programming as an activist skill

Long before there was LabourStart, long before unions were using the Internet, I was a computer programmer. I worked in a worker-owned and democratically-run wire and cable factory, and my job was to maintain the…

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Menshevism in Iraq

Having now completed reading the third in Sean Matgamna’s series on Iraq, I want to return to a point he makes several times in the first of the series, the one published in early December…

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Podcasting: Are unions ready for this?

Unions tend to be fairly conservative, particularly when it comes to technology. They are not known as “early adopters”. And that means that sometimes, while they wait for certain technologies to come down in price,…