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Back to that first International?

This article was published in Solidarity. A century and a half ago, workers’ leaders from a number of European countries met in St. Martin’s Hall in London under a banner proclaiming “All men are brothers.”…

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British unions out of step on Histadrut

This article appears in Solidarity this week. As PCS convenes this week in Brighton for their annual conference, delegates will be be expected to vote on a wide range of issues, including some international ones….

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North Korea: Why are unions silent?

This article appears in this week’s issue of Solidarity. The week leading up to May Day is commemorated each year around the world as “North Korea Freedom Week”, though you’d hardly know that if you…

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Sympathy for the devil

This article appeared in Solidarity. Mass murderers, and especially those who execute children at point-blank range, are not normally objects of one’s sympathy. It is possible, I imagine, for Nazis to “understand” the motives of…

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Bayard Rustin, 1912-2012

This March marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Bayard Rustin, the American civil rights leader who passed away in 1987.  Rustin is remembered as the organiser of the great 1963 March on Washington…

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Long live free Georgia!

This article appears in the current issue of Solidarity. The opening scene of Michel Hazanavicius’ new film, “The Artist”, is a movie within a movie. It’s the final moments of a fictional 1927 silent film….

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Building the revolution

This article appears in the current issue of Solidarity. I bought tickets back in November for the “Building the revolution” show at the Royal Academy and was given a 10:00 AM admission time. When I…

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Trade unions and social democracy: The rift widens

This article appears in the current issue of Solidarity. In an interview this week for an Australian newspaper, the leader of the world’s trade union movement made an interesting observation. “Have progressive parties lost the narrative…