Labour Research

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Online organizing

Unions that want to recruit new members will make it as easy as possible to join. In this century, that means allowing people to join unions online.

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Health and Safety Newswire

Most unions that have websites have sections that are devoted to health and safety issues. But frequently those are among the more static parts of a website. Once set up, they are rarely updated. To…

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Podcasting: Are unions ready for this?

Unions tend to be fairly conservative, particularly when it comes to technology. They are not known as “early adopters”. And that means that sometimes, while they wait for certain technologies to come down in price,…

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Labour website of the year 2004

It’s that time of year again — voting has begun the Labour Website of the Year. This annual competition, which began in 1997, allows trade unionists around the world to vote for their favourite union…

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Just Say No — to Microsoft

Imagine this as David Blaine’s next trick He stops a person on the street, stares into the stranger’s eyes and says — “Your web browser is . . . Internet Explorer!” Instead of being amazed,…

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Instant messaging and the unions

These days, when you want to communicate, you have a real choice. It used to be that you’d either phone or send a letter. Then came fax machines, then email, then text messaging. These days,…