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Bibi’s Iranian Strategy [4]

Back in the 1970s and 1980s, Israeli strategists came up with a great way to “sell Israel” to the American government. The Soviet Union, they argued, was turning the Middle East into a battleground of…

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The First 100 Hours: It Begins . . . [3]

Bibi’s government has been with us now for 100 hours. If allowed to complete its term in office, we have another 35,000 hours to go. Here’s my list of disasters for the first hours; multiply…

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Surprise! [2]

There’s a recurring theme in letters I get from friends who, like me, hoped that Bibi Netanyahu would never be Israel’s Prime Minister. Maybe he’ll surprise us, they tell me. Maybe he’ll “pull a Begin”…

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Bibi’s New Government [1]

By June 17th, we are promised, Israel is going to have a new government. That’s the day the Knesset meets for the first time since the elections. Bibi doesn’t have to put together a new…