The blog of Eric Lee - web design and internet consulting for the trade union movement.

Thank you, Amnesty International

Amnesty International in the UK is calling on people to write to the Foreign Minister urging Britain to support efforts to isolate and condemn Israel. They write:

The UN-mandated International Independent Fact Finding Mission, headed by Justice Richard Goldstone, has published its findings on the 22-day conflict in Gaza and southern Israel in December 2008-January 2009. The carefully argued report, which is consistent with the findings of Amnesty International, concludes that both the Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups committed grave violations of international law including war crimes and, possibly, crimes against humanity.

The Amnesty website encourages us all to send messages calling "on the UK government to spare no efforts to ensure war criminals do not get away with murder". In an email to members, they express concern that the UK government may do no such thing.

But Amnesty's website allows people to individualise their messages -- to write their own thoughts, which they cheerfully pass on to the Foreign Minister. So I'd like to thank Amnesty for giving me a chance to write this instead of their text:

I am a member of Amnesty International but I do not agree with their call on the public to encouage Britain to support the Goldstone report.

As you know, Israel refused to cooperate with this UN commission because it was certain that the result would be accusations that Israel committed war crimes. The commission was biased from the start. Israel was right not to cooperate with it.

Amnesty is wrong to call on us to ask you to help bash Israel -- clearly what is needed is a re-launch of the peace process, based on the Road Map, and not something that will only benefit Hamas.