The blog of Eric Lee - web design and internet consulting for the trade union movement.

Israel at war: first thoughts

Most of the websites that I look at, the ones that largely share my political perspective, have been strangely silent over the last couple of days regarding recent developments in the Middle East -- especially the fighting taking place in northern Israel and Lebanon.

But there has been at least one very good, cogent analysis of what is going on -- seeing it as a war by Iran and Syria against the Jewish state, waged by proxy -- and it was written by Melanie Phillips. It's on her blog and while I don't always agree with everything she writes, this is a good one.

As I listen to the news on Kol Israel radio (broadcast through the net), I want to do something to help. I'm sure others do as well. Writing and speaking the truth is one thing -- and we need to do more of that. There are also practical things to do.

For example, one can make a donation to the Magen David Adom, Israel's "red cross". In the UK, you do this from here.

Any other ideas?


Its not a proxy war by Syria and Iran. I keep seeing this point repeated and its simply not true. Syria's influence on Hezbollah has been weakened since it was forced out of Lebannon. While there has never been any serious evidence that Iran has ever dictated Hezbollah policy.

I really don't get why people find it so hard to believe that Hezbollah might be a purely south Lebanese phenomenon - albeit one which receives money and arms from Iran.