Book reviews

Review: How to Stop Fascism, by Paul Mason

Journalist and author Paul Mason turns to the past to see what worked — and what didn’t work — in the fight against fascism in the twentieth century. He confronts head-on the staggering failure of…

Review: A Line to Kill, by Anthony Horowitz

This book, the third in a series featuring the fictional detective Daniel Hawthorne, a Sherlockian consulting detective if there ever was one, and his very own Dr. Watson — Anthony Horowitz himself. It’s an amusing…

Review: A Slow Fire Burning, by Paula Hawkins

I really liked The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins’ first best-selling thriller, and approached this book with caution. One should always be prepared for disappointment following blockbuster books and their Hollywood adaptations. But I…

Review: Leopoldstadt, by Tom Stoppard

The problem with seeing Leopoldstadt – Tom Stoppard’s most recent and probably last play – is that so much is going on, there are so many characters on stage all at once, so many words…