May 2009

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Is Israel a victim or aggressor?

That was the title of a debate held on Thursday evening at Durham University and hosted by the Durham Union Society. I was invited to be one of the three proponents. Other speakers included Jonathan…

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Union book sales: A glimmer of hope

Steve Early’s article “Reading, Writing and Union Building” is an excellent overview of the state of union book sales and publishing. As he quotes from something I wrote four years ago, I thought it might…

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The power of e-collectivism

One of the ironies of the twentieth century was that as capitalism globalised, the labour movement retreated from its internationalist tradition. But the emergence of the Internet in the early 1990s seemed set to offer…

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Alle Hefte liegen still

Ungeachtet der drohenden Repression hat die Lehrergewerkschaft im Iran einen landesweiten Streik angekündigt. Auch im Irak ist die Regierung nicht erfreut über unabhängige Gewerkschaften.